Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Amazing are the ways of life
Twists and turns are its main hype
Predicting its flow
Is no more than a joke
Calm and cool it looks
Hiding beneath volcanoes with a crook
Next moment might fill you with surprise
Or even take out shock of your life
Be merry and gay
For whatever it brings your way
Getting sad at expecting untoward event
Or rushing adrenaline at the pretext of happiness
Don't you think, it's too messy to exist
And take these amazing events in its twist
Unexpected of unexpected happens at time
Expected and awaited hardly reaches its prime
At times it goes in its normal flow
Not jerking away your expectation to be slow
These mysteries of life
Will remain unresolved for miles and miles
But ah long/short term planning
Into drain goes all your timing
it frights me to plan a schedule
For it might lead to shortage of fuel

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